Fighting Your Writer’s Block through a Compare and Contrast Essay Online
Writer’s block is one of the most terrorizing and demoralizing experiences for any college or university student. This is why the importance of a proper outline is constantly emphasized to get your ideas organized and become ready to write.
Here we are going to discuss how a compare and contrast essay outline can help the students fight their writer’s block and create a well-structured essay.
What is a Compare and Contrast Essay?
Putting it simply, a compare and contrast essay takes a couple of subjects, i.e., events, objects, people, or places, which can be closely related or hugely different, and focus on the aspects that are matching and others that are different or a mixture of similarities and differences.
Do see that it’s not a straightforward comparison. But it plans to serve a larger purpose by doing any one thing from: narrating something unexplained; explaining a misunderstanding or misconception; stating the superiority of one thing over the other; extracting a new way to do, see, or understand something; or argue on a point with strong evidences.
Point-by-Point Organization
Although there are different formats for a compare and contrast essay, but here we are going to talk about the point-by-point organization.
The point-by-point comparison is interested in comparing one element of both the subjects simultaneously, or at the same time. The clear, easy-to-understand structure is normally easy to follow.
For a better understanding, try using a 5-paragraph essay structure for a compare and contrast essay. The outline will come in three parts: introduction, main body (the 1st difference, 2nd difference, and 3rd difference between the subjects), and conclusion.
Now that you have the fundamental structure on paper, let’s talk about the introduction using a subject of, for example, two dogs named Jolly and Joy.
The introduction will come will three major elements, while we are discussing the first two of them separately.
Introduction to the main topic
The student will begin with a strong hook statement and then provide the detailed specifics of the topic. In comparing and contrasting between Jolly and Joy, try to write the opening lines with something like.
Do opposites attract according to the law of attraction? Is this only applicable for humans? No, neither it is limited to romantic relationships. Dogs too, with varying character and personality traits tend to form close bonds all the time.
Choose specific subjects for comparing and contrasting
Here you need to spot who or what you are comparing under the core topic or theme. Your next lines should be something like:
The dogs in my house are largely different animals, although they are similar in many ways as both are dogs. Jolly is a 40-pound mischief who likes to pounce, lick, and paw until she gets what she craves. While Joy is a real sweetheart who is content with everything happening around him with no fights and tantrums. Despite the vast differences in personalities, the two dogs are lovingly bonded with each other.
For better understanding of a compare and contrast essay, students can even consult a top Write my essay Online service provider to uncover the further depths on how to compare and contrast without deviating from the main topic. The education will also ensure you get out of your writer’s block misery as soon as possible.